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Explore our team’s latest findings on our technology.

  • TAP® + Illumina NGS Platform enables High Quality Whole Exome Sequencing

    Use of TAP Point of Care Blood Collection Device for High-Quality Germline Whole Exome Sequencing on Illumina NGS Platforms with the Twist Bioscience Human Core WES Kit

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  • Enable remote access multiomics with just one TAP®

    Use of TAP Point of Care Blood Collection Device for Targeted Proteomics with the Olink Target 96 Cardiovascular II Panel Using Proximity Extension Assay Technology.

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  • TAP® technology shows promise for early, precise Alzheimer’s monitoring via biomarkers

    Use of the TAP Point of Care Blood Collection Device for Biomarker Assessments on the Quanterix Simoa HD-X Platform: Initial Feasibility for Plasma Biomarkers in Alzheimer’s Disease Detection.

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  • TAP® Empowers High-Quality Genome Studies with Illumina Infinium CytoSNP-850K Array

    Use of the TAP Point of Care Blood Collection Device with the Illumina Infinium CytoSNP-850K Array: Feasibility for Cytogenetics and Genome-Wide Association Studies.

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  • Next Generation Carrier Screening on ThermoFisher Ion Torrent with TAP®

    Use of TAP Point of Care Blood Collection Device for Expanded Carrier Screening via Next Generation Sequencing on the ThermoFisher Ion Torrent CarrierSeq Platform.

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  • Illumina Infinium Microarrays: MethylationEPIC Array

    Use of TAP Point of Care Blood Collection Device for EWAS: Demonstration of the Illumina Infinium Methylation EPIC Array for DNA Methylation Profiling and CpG Island Assessments

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  • TAP® technology shows promise for early, precise Alzheimer's monitoring via biomarkers

    Point of Care Molecular Testing via SNP PCR: TAP Point of Care Blood Collection Device for RapidMolecular Testing on the Cepheid GeneXpert System: FII & FV Study

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  • How ImYoo is decentralizing immune profiling at single-cell resolution

    This whitepaper describes ImYoo’s end-to-end platform which integrates YourBio Health’s TAP II virtually painless at-home blood collection device, multiplexed single-cell RNA sequencing, and automated data analysis. With this platform ImYoo is creating a growing capillary blood single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) database with a  resolution of 40 cell subtypes.

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