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Wellness Testing

TAP® devices take the pain out of wellness testing

Our Touch Activated Phlebotomy (TAP®) devices are a highly sought-after and efficacious solution to remote blood collection and allow customers using wellness testing kits to easily and reliably collect up to 900µL of high-quality, whole capillary blood from the comfort of their own home without the need for painful fingersticks.

Incorporating TAP® devices into wellness kits can help wellness innovators improve customer loyalty and enhance feedback thanks to the devices’ ability to enable customers to conduct blood draws at home virtually pain-free.

  • Want to know how we can help your testing service? Get in touch with our experts Contact Us

Benefits to Wellness Testing Innovators

Boosts Customer Loyalty & Positive Feedback

More than 80% of patients report a pain score of 0 on a scale from 0 to 10 when using TAP® devices, making our technology especially suitable for patients with needle phobia and pain sensitivity1. In a head-to-head survey conducted by a YourBio Health client, 157 participants used two test kits with different collection methods: one with a TAP® device and one with fingerstick lancets. 90% of the participants ranked using a TAP® device as “easy” or “very easy”, compared to 40% for the fingerstick test kit2.

Enables Fully Online Wellness Business Model

The convenience to customers of blood draws at home extends the potential customer pool to anywhere with internet access and a shipping address.

Drives Costs Savings with Fewer Returns or Replacements of Wellness Kits

Because TAP® devices are easy to use, “quantity not sufficient” rates are significantly reduced3. People can successfully collect up to 900µL of blood themselves with our technology, resulting in higher success rates than with competitors’ blood draw kits or fingerstick4.

Introducing the TAP® Micro and TAP® Micro Select

Traditional blood draw methods like standard needles and lancets cause substantial pain and inconvenience to many patients and pose a significant deterrent to testing in some patient populations. Our TAP® devices, TAP® Micro and TAP® Micro Select, overcome these barriers thanks to the microneedle array of our HALO™ Technology which allows for virtually painless, bladeless blood draws.

  • See how our TAP® devices leverage the HALO™ Technology Discover TAP
  • Discover how the proprietary HALO™ Technology enables virtually painless blood draws Learn More

Our Service Offerings

With extensive experience supporting wellness innovators across the globe, YourBio Health offers a range of services and expert consultation, including:

  1. Kits containing blood collection devices and supplies, with flexible return shipping for general wellness testing
  2. White labeling options that allow your branding to be applied to the TAP® device and kit, helping to deliver a unified and elevated brand experience for your customers
  • Want to know how we can help your testing service? Get in touch with our experts Contact Us

Our Wellness Clients

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Latest Research and Highlights

Discover the latest studies and reports published on our devices and solutions

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  • November 2, 2023
    Maximizing Microsampling: Measurement of Comprehensive Metabolic and Lipid Panels Using a Novel Capillary Blood Collection Device

    Correlation of capillary serum was demonstrated for professionally collected TAP II samples, self-collected TAP II samples, and professionally collected fingerstick samples.

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  • January 23, 2023
    Quantification of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Binding Antibody Levels To Assess Infection and Vaccine-Induced Immunity Using WHO Standards
    ASM Journals, Microbiology Spectrum

    TAP sample collection in decentralized drive-through settings enabled a comprehensive evaluation of Sars-CoV-2 antibody level and decay using WHO standards in a representative population of LA county during the pandemic.

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  • October 11, 2022
    Relationship between Anti-Spike Antibodies and Risk of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Infants Born to COVID-19 Vaccinated Mothers
    MDPI, Vaccines

    TAP devices used to collect blood samples from 2-month-old and 6-month-old infants in Sars-CoV-2 infection risk study.

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  1. Citation: Internal data.
  2. Citation: Hoang N, Milot H, Jacob C. SneakPeek Snap: A Painless Microneedle-Based Push-Button Device for Early Fetal Sex Determination. Int J Pregn & Chi Birth. 2021;7(3):74‒78. DOI: 10.15406/ipcb.2021.07.00232.
  3. Citation: Internal data.
  4. Citation: Internal data.