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Clinical Trial Support

TAP® devices take the pain out of decentralized clinical trials

Our Touch Activated Phlebotomy (TAP®) devices expand decentralized clinical trial accessibility by enabling easy and reliable collection of up to 900µL of high-quality, whole capillary blood, both remotely and in clinical settings, without the need for phlebotomists or painful fingersticks.

  • Interested in using TAP® devices in your clinical trial? Get in touch with our experts Contact Us

Decentralized trials benefit sponsors and patients alike

The cost and inconvenience of travel to a clinical trial site have historically been detrimental to participant enrollment. For some patient populations, such as immunocompromised individuals, those with rare diseases who can be geographically widespread, and those with significant mobility issues, trial enrollment can be very difficult and derail the study’s progress.

Decentralized clinical trials help sponsors avoid these barriers while also helping to expand clinical trial catchment, increasing participant diversity and increasing participation for traditionally hard-to-access patient populations, thus providing data that is more representative of the ultimate patient population.

Benefits of Using TAP® Devices in Clinical Trials

Improved Clinical Trial Compliance

TAP® devices improve clinical trial compliance by enabling virtually pain-free remote blood draws, removing a significant participation deterrent which has been shown to result in:

  • Less pain and fear than a fingerstick, phlebotomy, and competitive devices1
  • 200% increase in completion rates in clinical trials when compared to fingerstick2
  • 98% of end users are willing to repeat this collection method3
Reduced Recruitment Costs

Virtually pain-free TAP® Technology leads to improved clinical trial compliance compared to fingerstick collection, which means fewer patients are required to hit n numbers4. The devices’ ease of use also enables microsampling, allowing for more frequent, lower-cost data collection during a trial.

Supports Easier Clinical Trial Recruitment

By enabling virtually pain-free, remote capillary blood collection, TAP® devices facilitate recruitment of traditionally hard-to-access groups and improve clinical trial diversity

  • Those with needle phobia and pain sensitivity
  • Home-bound patients
  • Patients with rare diseases who may be widespread geographically
Enables Expanded Trial Catchment

By allowing patients or their caretakers to successfully perform blood draws remotely, TAP® devices facilitate recruitment of traditionally hard-to-access groups and improve clinical trial diversity, thus providing data that is more representative of the ultimate patient population.

Provides a Competitive Advantage

TAP® devices have been shown to have higher success rates compared to competitor devices5. This in turn resulted in more complete datasets per patient and more robust trial results, conferring a competitive advantage.

  • Cost per datapoint drops due to improved clinical trial compliance with TAP® blood draw kits compared to painful fingerstick collection or venipuncture.
  • More complete data from a more representative population leads to more robust results, supporting successful clinical trials

Our Service Offerings

YourBio Health’s comprehensive decentralized clinical trial service ensures easy management and tracking of patient samples that fits seamlessly into your trial protocol and supports the recruitment of diverse and representative patient cohorts. We recognize each clinical trial is unique and can modify our services to fit your specific study.

Our range of services includes:

  1. Blood collection devices that produce whole capillary blood samples
  2. Kits containing blood collection devices and supplies, with flexible return shipping to and from enrolled participants
    • Kit registration and sample tracking to the lab
  3. Seamless lab integration with any lab of your choice
    • Experienced coordination with central labs
    • With significant venous concordance, TAP® collected samples can be used across a broad range of analytes
  • Interested in using TAP® devices in your clinical trial? Get in touch with our experts. Contact Us

Achieve high-quality blood samples with TAP® devices

For broad-based tests, such as cholesterol, capillary blood samples collected in both an assisted and self-collection setting have high concordance with venous blood.6

Introducing TAP® Micro and TAP® Micro Select

Traditional blood draw methods like standard needles and lancets cause substantial pain and inconvenience to many patients and pose a significant deterrent to testing in some patient populations. Our TAP® devices, TAP® Micro and TAP® Micro Select, overcome these barriers thanks to the microneedle array of our HALO™ Technology which allows for virtually painless, bladeless blood draws.

  • See how our TAP® devices leverage the HALO™ Technology Discover Tap
  • Discover how the proprietary HALO™ Technology enables virtually painless blood draws Learn More

Latest Research and Highlights

Discover the latest studies and reports published on our devices and solutions

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  • July 15, 2024
    Longer interval between maternal RSV vaccination and birth increases placental transfer efficiency

    TAP was employed to collect capillary blood from 2-month-old infants for antibody tests of RSV and pertussis toxin.

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  • July 1, 2024
    Feasibility, reliability and satisfaction of (automated) capillary carcinoembryonic antigen measurements for future home-based blood sampling: the prospective CASA-I study
    Colorectal Disease

    Feasibility of home-based capillary sampling of colorectal cancer marker CEA was demonstrated. TAP was found to be “the most reliable method and is preferred by patients over venipuncture and lancet sampling.” (Erasmus MC)

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  • April 11, 2024
    Evaluation of a hybrid telehealth care pathway for patients with axial spondyloarthritis including self-sampling at home: results of a longitudinal proof-of-concept mixed-methods study (TeleSpactive)
    Rheumatology International

    TAP was employed to demonstrate the feasibility, high patient acceptance, and overall potential of a scalable axSpA hybrid telehealth care pathway.

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  1. Citation: Internal data.
  2. Citation: This is a customer-reported statistic.
  3. Citation: Internal data.
  4. Citation: This is a customer-reported statistic.
  5. Citation: Internal data.
  6. Citation: Collier, B. B., Brandon, W. C., Chappell, M. R., Kovach, P. M. & Grant, R. P. Maximizing Microsampling: Measurement of Comprehensive Metabolic and Lipid Panels Using a Novel Capillary Blood Collection Device. J. Appl. Lab. Med. jfad066 (2023) doi:10.1093/jalm/jfad066.